Ffxiv Around the House Fashion Report

How to unlock, purchase, and decorate housing in Final Fantasy 14

ffxiv housing guide
(Epitome credit: Square Enix)

The FFXIV housing arrangement can be complicated to get your head around, especially as firm plots are express. That said, the investment is worth information technology as the effects and decorating tools are really expressive. So here I'll exist running you through everything y'all demand to know near FF14 housing, including how to unlock it, the different available plots, and how to buy and decorate your swanky new property.

FFXIV housing: How to unlock property

There are iv housing districts in total: the leafy Lavender Beds nigh Gridania, the beach neighborhood of the Mist near Limsa Lominsa, the desert spa of the Goblet near Ul'dah, and the hotsprings of Shirogane well-nigh Doma. To reach these areas get-go y'all need to unlock them by talking to an NPC for each area and exercise a quick quest.

  • Lavender beds: Speak to Margeria at Bentbranch Meadows in Central Shroud
  • Goblet: Speak to Imme at Scorpion Crossing in Western Thanalan
  • Mist: Speak to Ahctkoen at the Red Rooster Stead in Lower La Noscea
  • Shirogane: Speak to Tsurubami in Kugane (You demand to have reached the Stormblood expansion to unlock this area)

FFXIV housing types

Y'all tin can buy a personal infinite just for you or a building for your Free Company (FC) to share in several different sizes, merely they tin be quite expensive. Hither's a breakdown of each type and their restrictions:

  • Apartments: A small, single-flooring room that costs 500,000 gil. You lot need to have one class at level 50 and be a second lieutenant in your thou company to purchase 1. You can buy an flat as well as a house and they're so numerous your basically guaranteed to detect an available i. Cannot exist used for Gratuitous Companies.
  • Small plot: Two-story building with a garden that costs anywhere betwixt one,488,000- iii,750,000gil depending on location.
  • Medium plot: Approximately twice the size of a small house set over three floors that costs 7,936,000-twenty,000,000gil depending on location.
  • Large plot: Also has three floors but at a much larger calibration and with a bigger garden. Costs 19,840,000-50,000,000gil depending on location and is the rarest type of plot.
  • Individual Chambers: A modest room within a Free Company building that tin can exist purchased for 500,000gil. Yous tin even so purchase one of you own an flat and your own house, but if you get out the Complimentary Visitor yous volition lose your room.

(Image credit: Foursquare Enix)

FFXIV housing permit: How to buy a plot

Now yous've chosen the type of plot you want depending on your upkeep, how do you lot actually buy information technology? Here's how:

  • Travel to your desired area and physically stand exterior the plot.
  • Approach the billboard outside it and select 'Purchase land'.
  • Choose whether the plot is for your FC, or private for you.

Now you lot've secured the plot, you lot'll need to grab a structure permit to really build on it. Go to the Social menu and drop downward to 'Housing' and and so 'Estate Hall'—from hither yous can purchase a permit and the style of building you lot desire, such as stone or wood. Side by side, select 'Build Estate Hall' and your building is complete.

Be wary, though: FF14 housing is hugely competitive, so free plots are scarce and others may be trying to buy a plot at the same fourth dimension. That said, plots are sometimes added during patches, so keep an center out. Yous're too limited to 1 personal house per account to prevent people buying up whole wards on multiple characters. You may also have to have a timer into account—when a plot is vacated, in that location's a countdown until it becomes available.

(Image credit: Foursquare Enix)

FFXIV housing items and ideas: How to decorate

At present information technology's time to personalise your new domicile. All decorating and customising can be washed from 'Housing' in the Social menu. To change the floors, walls, and lighting, select 'Remodel Interior' and place your items onto your chosen flooring. To place furniture select 'Indoor Furnishing' and choose an item from your inventory to identify—you'll be able to move and rotate it to detect the perfect spot before confirming. Y'all can likewise place information technology into storage for future revamps.

Y'all can also choose who can access your house in 'Guest Admission Settings' as well as give your house a proper name ('Rename Estate') and change its outside to another edifice blazon, be that tasteful stonemasonry or a Chocobo theme under 'Estate Settings'.

Furnishing can be found in several places, though almost of it is crafted. For a adept basic pick talk to a Housing Merchant to observe a range of walls, beds, and tables.

(Image credit: Square Enix)

How to move or demolish your firm

If you lot fancy a modify of scenery, or even an upgrade, it's relatively simple to motility. You lot'll have to find an empty plot, interact with the placard and select 'Buy Land' then 'Individual Residence/Costless Company Estate Relocation'. Y'all will have to pay for the new plot but you get a 30 percent of the minimum value of your erstwhile plot. You also become priority equally moving can circumvent timers on fresh plots. Your furnishings will be placed in the storeroom every bit you move for you to place again.

If you lot need to annihilate your house ahead of a server motility, you tin do so by going to 'Estate Settings' and then 'Relinquish Land', but you'll lose whatsoever money you paid for the plot when doing and then. Your plot will exist auto-demolished if you don't admission it for 45 days, though your items and some bounty for the state volition be held for you lot by the Resident Caretaker in each ward for a limited fourth dimension.

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