Punctually challenged is just a politically right way of proverb, "I'm always late."

Have y'all ever saturday down and given serious thought to the reasons why you're belatedly? Accept y'all idea about the message yous're sending to others when you make it tardily to appointments and events?

Manifestly, this is rude but I believe there are two main factors that contribute to someone non being on fourth dimension:

ane.  Agenda Overload - you take too much on your plate.

2.  You lot don't brand practiced use of your fourth dimension.

These two things are valid reasons - not excuses. Excuses are what you give when you come in apologizing and explaining why you're belatedly. Yous know, things similar, "I got lost...my other appointment ran over...I spent 15 minutes trying to park." Regardless, all of these factors are within your control. You tin can correct this pattern. And yes, if you've been tardily iii or more than times, information technology's definitely a bad habit that needs to exist corrected.

First, you must understand that being on time is a conscience determination you brand. Allow's get a chip deeper for a second. People who are late are likewise procrastinators. They wait until the final minute to starting time and finish projects and rush to beat deadlines. All of this behavior is a learned, lifelong pattern. You are choosing to put things off and you need to go to the root of why you're doing so.

How do you bargain with the Belatedly Lucy in your network?

prepare a grace menstruum - You know how the physician's office has that 10-15 minute window that states if you lot go far across that you may not be seen? Determine how long yous're going to wait for late comers  before you proceed with the meeting. In one case you've done that, stick with it and don't allow any exceptions.

communicate the costs - What does Tardy Tina stand to lose or gain by being on time? Being late guarantees that you're going to miss some of import information. Permit people know that any they missed won't be repeated. One of the payoffs of being on time is the feeling you lot give others that says you value and respect their fourth dimension.

omnibus the offender(s) - Don't punish the unabridged group. Talk to the specific private and let them know that their reputation is on the line. Late people are looked at as non being dependable, reliable, or organized. Is this what you want attached to your personal brand? Of course not.

 If you're someone who struggles with being on time, I want you to do the post-obit practise:

Get-go a "Late Log" and document your answers. Inquire yourself:

  • How tardily was I?
  • What prevented me from arriving on time
  • Is this a legit reason or an excuse?
  • What can I do differently to break my bicycle of tardiness?
  • Permit me hear your thoughts and suggestions. What else can nosotros practise to go folks to go far 5 minutes early instead of 10 minutes late?