Katie Rodgers Paper Fashion Headshot Picture

Katie Rodgers is a way illustrator based in New York. Growing up in Georgia, she was far abroad from the glamorous New York Urban center runways and instead spent her time browsing magazines and painting the images she saw in them. She has been painting since the historic period of seven and continued her hobby past studying Industrial Design in college. While she initially worked as an apparel designer for some time, it wasn't long before her fanciful watercolors defenseless the attention of loftier-end designers such as Cartier, Valentino, and Swarovski. She is often deputed by designers to illustrate their designs to give them a more natural, flowing look. She even incorporates various media into her work- sequins, food, material, an installation in the Sahara- anything that catches her eyes! She works as a freelance artist and too sells her paintings equally prints onSociety6.

Hither are excerpts of our conversation edited for clarity

Tell me a fleck about yourself. How did you start begin painting?
I was painting equally early as I can remember! It's always been a part of my life. Currently, I live in New York City, and am an artist working primarily within the style industry with dreams of doing much much more.

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Your watercolors are described equally whimsical and romantic – what goes through your heed equally you paint?

It depends what I'm working on, I am very influenced by music. I put on my 'haunting' playlist and my mind goes to a dark but romantic place. I put on my 'shadow dancer' playlist and my mind winds in and out of whimsical fantasy worlds. Function of what I love most about painting is connecting to the other worlds that alive inside my imagination. Information technology'southward a complete difference from reality!

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How would you describe your figures to the viewer?
My work has evolved over the years, but the figures within my work are often a fleck abstract. I effort to go on them equally simple equally possible. I believe there's something interesting where my viewer can await at my piece of work and fill in the details in their own way.

The girls I create don't have lots of noticeable characteristics. They can be any race, they tin be anyone. They are fluid similar dancers in their movement.

What would you cite as your inspirations behind your work?
Ballet, music, quiet moments, mystery, and a bit of what'southward within myself.

Which artists' work do yous admire?
At the moment I'thou very inspired by Dali'south surrealism and street fine art.

What would you say is your favorite piece of your ain piece of work and why?
I oasis't created information technology notwithstanding! I'm my own biggest critic and the moment I end a piece I've already moved to a new idea.


Y'all accept been commissioned by several loftier profile designers to illustrate their piece of work. Could you draw how that experience was for you?
It's very cool to work with brands and figure out we can combine our work in some way. It'southward a claiming I savor to create something that speaks my style and vision, only besides speaks for the brand'southward vision. There's a fine line between too piffling creative direction and besides much- it can exist tricky!


Photos Credit : Katie Rodgers

Ameera Khorakiwala

Ameera Khorakiwala is a contempo graduate of Mountain Holyoke Higher where she majored in Art History and Southward Asian Studies. She loves to read, travel and find the perfect lighting for her Instagrams. A lifelong inhabitant of Bombay, India, she is particularly interested in reading and writing about Indian art, politics and history.

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